
Respect, compassion, empathy and listening are key (1 Corinthians 13). 

Apologetics usually revolves around discussion and reasoning. It is easy to think about it as a debate and lose sight of the person you are commanded to love. You are striving to win a soul, not an argument. Here are some suggestions:

“And help others do the same” - This step in the disciplemaking process is focused on providing basic skills and tools for laborers who are discipling others.
The original book describing the spiritual growth process of discipling someone. This includes some of the first diagrams and descriptions of taking a person from seeker to disciplemaker.

Terry and Susan Wichert urge us to keep on praying at all times and to not lose heart.

Prayer Part 2 - God Answers Prayer

This video stresses the important of laboring together and discipling in Community.
Two videos explain the call to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19)—to reach out with the divine Love, reproduce it in others, and be a spiritual generation next door to everywhere.